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Showing 3 results for Trade

Masood Taghipour Kandasar, Donya Bayazid Nejad, Emad Valizadeh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2-2024)

Extended Abstract

Introduction and Objective: The agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors in every country, which in Iran has significant advantages such as land diversity, cheap labor, and less need for complex technology to produce all kinds of products in different seasons of the year. Therefore, it,s maded strengthening is essential for economic development, employment, and increasing non-oil exports. This article investigates the factors affecting the trade of agricultural products between Iran and the Russian Federation using the gravity model.
Materials and methods: First, necessary statistics and information were collected from the websites of the Central Bank and the World Bank for the period from 2010 to 2020. Then, in order to investigate the influencing factors on the volume of bilateral trade of agricultural products of Iran and Russia, the generalized gravity model was used. Before estimating the model, first the reliability of the variables was checked through the Levin-Lin and Chu test, and then the gravity model was estimated using the panel data method. In this study, the data were used separately for the export sector, once for import and finally for the whole trade (exports + imports) to determine the effects of different variables on each sector. Then, the Hausman test results were analyzed to select the most suitable part for analyzing the results.
Results: The results of Levin-Lin and Chow tests showed that all variables were significant and panel data were static. The estimated results of the gravity model for the three sections under study are statistically significant based on F-statistics. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, indicating that the intercepts are different from different time periods and panel data should be used. The results of the Hausman test for exports, imports, and trade were calculated as 0.214, 0.4359, and 0.000 respectively, based on which trade estimation was selected for analyzing the results. Estimating the gravity model for trade indicated that the coefficient of the variable Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of both countries, which represents their economic size, is an important factor in the bilateral trade volume of agricultural products between Iran and Russia. Also, distance, real exchange rate, and virtual variable of membership in the Eurasian Economic Union are the effective factors in the bilateral trade volume of agricultural products between Iran and Russia.
Conclusion: Generally, increasing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of both countries leads to an increase in bilateral trade of agricultural products between Iran and the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is suggested that measures be taken in the decision-making of policy makers in the field of membership in organizations and commercial agreements, especially in the field of agriculture.     

Maryam Asadpoor Kordi, Roghayeh Zahedian Tejeneki,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2024)

Introduction and Objective: The as one of the important sectors in the economy, the agricultural sector plays important roles such as providing food security and helping the market of production factors, and is considered one of the energy consumers. So that today, the production of the agricultural sector and the advancement of the technologies used in this sector have become so dependent on different types of energy that the energy consumption in this sector has an increasing trend in four decades. One of the factors affecting the consumption behavior of economic actors in the field of energy is its governance and efficiency, so that with the right policies and their strict implementation, it can affect the change or modification of energy consumption behavior. Therefore, in this study, the factors affecting the energy used (diesel oil) in the agricultural sector have been investigated, emphasizing the role of governance in 22 countries with lower middle income.
Material and methods: The Tobit panel model has been used to estimate the model. The information of this study was collected from the World Food website and the World Bank for the period from 1996 to 2018.
Results: The results of Tobit's panel model estimation showed that except for the corruption control index, the remaining governance indicators (political stability, the right to comment and accountability, and the rule of law) have a negative effect on diesel consumption in the agricultural sector. by increasing the score of each of the indicators of the right to comment and answer, political stability, rule of law and control of corruption by one percent, the amount of energy consumed in the agricultural sector in the studied countries changes by -1/21, -0/06, -1/63 and 2.33 percent. In contrast to domestic investment variables, the share of the agricultural sector in the economy and the growth of the agricultural sector have a positive effect on the use of renewable energy.
Conclusion: According to the research findings the, suggestions such as improving the governance situation in the investigated countries, expanding the volume of trade and developing smart systems in order to increase the share of clean energy and reduce the share of diesel in the energy consumption portfolio are recommended. Also, the comparison of the final effect of governance indicators shows that corruption control has a greater effect than other governance indicators. So it is recommended to take effective measures to control corruption, especially environmental issues and the expansion of clean energy consumption.

Paria Ghebleh, Dr Mohammad Khodaverdizadeh, Dr Morteza Molaei,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (1-2024)

Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objectives: Fluctuations in oil revenues and the exhaustibility of oil resources have made the country's policymakers and planners believe that development of non-oil exports and diversify the country’s export income is essential in order to reduce the vulnerability of economic development goals. Medicinal plants are one of the most valuable resources in Iran's natural resources. So that if they are used properly and pay attention to their export position in the world, can be useful in the goal of developing non-oil exports. Due to the importance of medicinal plants in Iran non-petroleum export, the the present study was conducted to determine the effective factors on the supply of selected Iranian herbs.
Material and Methods: In this study used Auto Regressive Distribution Lag (ARDL) model. Band test was used to check the existence of long run relationship between variables. Cumulative sum of residuals (CUSUM) and cumulative sum of squared residuals (CUSUMSQ) tests were used to check the stability of the model. The study period of this research is 1978-2016. The data of this study has been collected from different sources, including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Central Bank.
Results: The results of the variables' stationarity showed that all the variables are stationary of degree I(0) or I(1). Therefore, the ARDL model can be used to examine the short-run and long-run relationship. The results of the band test showed that there is a long-run relationship between the variables. The results of long term ARDL model showed that the variables of exchange rate fluctuations, oil exports, and herbs export of rival countries had a negative and significant effect, and the indices of domestic production of Iranian herbs, real exchange rate, the prices of Iranian herbs and the trade liberalization variable had a positive and significant effect  on the amount of herbs export
Conclusion: With the increase of oil revenues during the period under review, the export of medicinal plants will decrease. The reason for this could be the government's less attention to the agricultural sector in the conditions of booming oil revenues. Paying attention to the export potentials of the agricultural sector and medicinal plants can be considered as one of the gradual solutions for the exit of the country's economy from the export of crude oil products. Considering the negative effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the supply of medicinal plant exports in the long term, it is necessary to adopt appropriate policies to reduce exchange rate fluctuations and also provide financial support to exporters against exchange rate fluctuations.

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