Agricultural Market & Economics

Agricultural Market and Economics

The aims and scopes of the Journal of Agricultural Market and Economics is publishing the results of researches carried out in the field of agricultural market and issues of agricultural economy, natural resources and environment, helping to develop and improve knowledge in the mentioned field and providing a suitable environment for the exchange of ideas and information among academicians and research centers in the country in the field of agricultural economics.
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Agricultural Market and Economics © 2023 by Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
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Agricultural Market and Economics

2024، Volume 1، Number 2

Print ISSN: 2821-0700

Online ISSN: 2821-0700

Director-in-Charge: Somayeh Shirzadi Laskookalayeh

Editor-in-Chief: Hamid Amirnejad

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